Thursday, March 22, 2012

Critter 1.4a SSE4 - Stockfish 2.2.2 JA Match Results

1   Critter 1.4 64-bit SSE4 1CPU        +25/=53/-22 51.50%   51.5/100
2   Stockfish 2.2.2 JA SSE42 1CPU   +22/=53/-25 48.50%   48.5/100

Stockfish won the last two rounds (99 & 100) as White and Black in the Kings Indian, Classical, to end with a -3 score. In game 99, around move 80, Stockfish had Black and was running only on increment time (compared to over 2:00 left for Critter, if I remember correctly), yet it was able to turn the game and pull out a win. It was fun to watch.

Download the games here: